About Lindsey

Lindsey’s paintings exude spontaneity, vibrancy and light. Her passion for travelling and painting in her beloved Venice provides endless inspiration and significant challenges for her work especially when working en plein air.
Watercolour and Earth inks enable her to explore her chosen subjects in the way she finds most satisfying and she enjoys the sumptuous colour ranges and exciting effects they can offer. The colourist in her is clearly evident as she loves to apply luscious bold colour in her work.
Sometimes she uses vintage dress making paper patterns in her collage, representing construction of Venice and of the painting.
Until November 2022 Lindsey enjoyed exhibiting at Chalk Gallery in Lewes, only leaving after 6 years and lots of learning so that she could give more time to other things. Lindsey remains an active member of Horsham Artists, and you can contact Lindsey here.